Get up-to-date information of your sales and inventory figures. Easy integration of all you store data from different store location. Useful Executive Reports from the Head Quarters Systems to aid in your decisions. Extend the WebPOS benefits to your customers by making the right retail decisions with real time sales and inventory information. |
 Achieve zero downtime with the Offline Mode feature and continue to transact cashiering functions even if your connection is temporarily down. Sensitive data are encrypted in the remote database and backed up daily. No need to worry about internal or external rogue employees stealing or manipulating your information. Data sent to and from the store POS terminals to the Head Quarter Servers are optimized and secure. |
 Great Software is only possible with Top Notch Support. Supported by Alliance Software, Inc., with a team of over 150 engineers and a track record of over 900 installations nationwide. We have partnered with the leading web hosting service in the country and also with a top global data center. Problem resolutions are done remotely and quickly meaning minimal downtime for retailers. No more worries on IT. This means you have more time to focus on your business. |